VThe Technology Roadmap is an interactive community of technology professionals in New York’s Tech Valley. Find out more!

“At the Albany County Convention and Visitors Bureau we use the Technology Roadmap to keep abreast of emerging technology businesses and the economic development opportunities they provide.”
– Michele Vennard, President, Albany County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

New York State made a huge splash at SEMICON Europa, held April 20 to 22 in Munich, Germany. Recognized as the premiere event in Europe for semiconductor equipment, materials and services, SEMICON Europa included supplier and vendor exhibits, as well as technical and management seminars.
For at least two Technology Roadmap members who participated, the results from the show have been very positive. Ed Capovani, vice president of Capovani Brothers, Inc. (CBI) of Scotia, noted, “The show offered us a great opportunity to reconnect with existing customers in Europe, learn about new equipment needs and meet new prospects. We even closed a deal while we were there. It was clearly a success for us.”